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Dallas County

Note to the Voter: Remember that you are the HR person choosing who is best qualified to be in Leadership for the State of Texas. Check out the Candidate's educational background, their work history, and Community Service. If it is an Incumbent (in office now and trying to get reelected) check their voting record. Very important. Did they vote the way they promised they would on their platform? Did they vote with their party or against it? What bills have they authored or coauthored and how many got passed into law? That is why they are there. They are to vote to represent you to create new laws to make life better. Which candidate is best qualified over all and lines up with your beliefs? That is who you should vote for.

Directions: Click on the Sample Ballot link to view and download your sample ballot. There may be multiple ones for your County if it has a large population. Look on your Voter Registration Card to find your Precinct Number or do a Voter Look Up online to find which ballot is for your area. Click on links of each Candidate to know more about them. You can also view video playlists and more videos on the sister YouTube Channel that is part of this project: 

The following Candidates are on all Ballot Statewide.

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The following Candidates are on Ballots by County.

Candidates listed below are National on down to City Level specific to a certain District or County. The whole state does not vote on them. Just their jurisdiction.

All the Candidates at the top of the page plus:

********Please note that only some of these will be on your Dallas County Ballot depending what part of the County you live in. They are limited by your jurisdiction. It will be according to the information on your Voter Registration Card. You can do a Voter Look Up online also to get the correct information. They have who you will actually have on your ballot.

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U.S. Representative

District 6

       John Love lll

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U.S. Representative

District 24

       Sam Eppler

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U.S. Representative

District 32

     Julie Johnson

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U.S. Representative

District 33

     Mark Veasey (IN)

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